Unlock Your iPhone

Author: Arn // Category:
Now that your your phone is Jailbroken, the next step is to unlock it. By unlocking your phone you will be able to use any carrier of your chose. The steps to unlocking your phone is as follow.

1. Disable 3g on your phone, it you're using it.
2. Run Cydia or Icy
3. Add the source: repo666.ultrasn0w.com (the "o" in the word ultrasnow is the number Zero)
4. Search for Ultrasnow in Cydia, download it and install.
5. Reboot your iPhone.

That's it! It's that simple, now you can enjoy your iPhone in ways Apple didn't imagine.

Jailbreaking your iPhone in windows

Author: Arn // Category:
First of all I would like to clarify some things about jailbreaking your iPhone. Apple never intended for you to customize your iPhone, and therefore jailbreaking it will violate your warranty. But if you should deside to jailbreak your phone and something goes wrong, remember to keep an updated restore point in iTunes, and you will easily restore your phone to its originally settings. Then you can use your warranty for whatever reason, and Apple will never know.
There are several reasons to why you should jailbreak your iPhone. Here are some ideas as to why:
  • Intalling 3rd party applications
  • Full customization of your phone
  • Unlock for all mobile carriers
  • Video recording (comes with the new 3gs)
  • Change how your iPhone interface looks


Lets go to the process of jailbreaking your phone:

Step 1

Download redsnow for Windows here .
Redsnow uses restorepoints according to your phone and OS. Pick your phone and os from the list and download your restore point: (right click --> save as)
After you've found your phone and os, install redsnow. You should see an image like this.

Redsnow will ask for your restorepoint, click browse and locate your point of restore (named *.ipsw)

After you have found and verified your ipsw file, redsnow will ask you to install either Cydia or Icy or both. Pick one of them and continue. Personally I would chose Cydia and not Icy. Icy has been known to cause problem with os 3.0.

Step 2

Turn your iPhone off, and connect it with your USB cable to your PC. This Picture will appear.
Once you click next, be ready with your fingers on the power and home button.
The sequence goes like this:
1 Hold your power button for 3 seconds

2 While holding the power button, press your hone button and hold both for 10 seconds.

3 Release your power button and continue to hold your home button until redsnow detects your phone.

Your phone is now in DFU mode, and will restart and jailbreak it. This took about 15 min for me to complete. Please be patient, and when it's done you have a jailbroken iPhone with Cydia or Icy.


Welcome to Jailbroken

Author: Arn // Category:
Hi and welcome.

Here i intend to post my experiences with the iPhone. For some time I actually hated my iPhone. It didn't send SMS, it didn't record video, any good applications I had to buy from appStore and so on... But since i changed my carrier I had to unlock my phone, and the search for how to do it took me to a whole new iPhone-world that I would like to share. The search to unlock, jailbreak and customize your iPhone is kinda chaotic and stressful at times, you need to go through alot of websites and tutorials, but here I intend to put it all together for you.

I have a iPhone 3g 16gb with os 3.0 and I'm using Windows 7 therefore this will be our startingpoint. You don't need to have the same iPhone, but your OS needs to be updated to 3.0 to use any of the things you'll find in this blog.

So good luck and welcome to the iPhone-world like it should be.

Yours truly.
